Frank's Tiny House
Frank's House is nestled at the edge of the Pump House woods. Its exterior is rustic cypress with forest-green mullions and a small porch perfect for relaxing under the stars! Its wooden interior features handmade wooden drawers in true tiny-house fashion - tucked under the full bed! Furnished with a cozy-sized Keurig, an electrical hook-up for its built-in tulip lights, and Its vaulted ceiling lends an air of space and comfort to this cozy one-room house. With access to four public bathrooms and a new shower room only a few short steps away, Frank's House is a comfortable place to spend the night after an exciting day on the Pump House grounds. $125/night, including the Pump House's fabulous breakfast
Frank's Tiny House with resident cat, No. Four.
Frank's House in its spot at the edge of the woods
Franks Tiny House is built from hand crafted cypress with spalted maple trim.
Tim's Tiny House
Tim's Tiny House
Tim's House sits just behind the Studio Hall. Its turquoise wood siding features red-mullioned windows and a fish motif over the front door in the Pump House signature colors: red, yellow, and turquoise. Its front door is an extra-special part of the house: the oak it's made of was taken from a five-hundred-year-old tree, pulled from nearby Fishing Creek. The back wall boasts a design in pressed tin and the curtained windows offer a secluded view of the property to its comfortable full bed and twin bed. The house also offers a Keurig, a sink, access to four public bathrooms and a new shower room just a few steps away, as well as the Pump House's famous home-cooked breakfast. Its cozy vibe and beautiful interior make Tim's House a special destination for Pump House guests. $125/night, including breakfast.
The interior of Tim's House includes a sink, full bed and twin bed with built-in storage space, and airy curtains over the windows looking out at the Pump House grounds.